Archive: March 2023

De-Russification and thematic content of Ukrainian Wikipedia (updated)

De-Russification and thematic content of Ukrainian Wikipedia (updated)

When a person searches for something on the topic of transport and mobility, one of the first results is always Wikipedia. We noted earlier that Ukrainian Wiki-articles have a "Soviet spirit". Upon closer examination, it turns out that they are often literal translations of Russian versions of articles, with Russian trolleybuses or trams in the photos. And of course, they often do not reflect modern world achievements and practices - for example, the English-language article "Trolleybus" is fundamentally different from the Russian and Ukrainian ones.

Bydgoszcz (3)

Photo: Oleksandr Shutyuk, 2017, Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Therefore, from the beginning of 2023, the NGO "Vision Zero" began to de-Russify and modernize the content in the Ukrainian "Wikipedia" on the topic of transport and mobility. Here are some of the already implemented wiki projects:

Updated articles:

New articles:

We will update this publication in accordance with the appearance of new and updated articles of the Ukrainian "Wikipedia". We invite you to follow, share with others and write to us if you know about the existence of articles without Ukrainian translation or those that need to be updated/created! We will continue our activities on de-Russification and modernization of Wikipedia. We invite you to join this process, because everyone can be the author of Wikipedia! And if you have ideas for articles that need to be updated or created - write to us!

NGO "Vision Zero" spoke at the committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

NGO "Vision Zero" spoke at the committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

On March 17, in the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Energy and Housing at the address of the city of Kyiv, str. Lipska, 3 , public consultations were held on stimulating the development of the infrastructure of charging stations for electric vehicles . Among the participants was the NGO "Vision Zero" in the person of public transport expert Demyan Danyliuk. He presented the presentation "Electric public transport and modernization of legislation for it".  

NGO "Vision Zero" informed the members of the committee about the advantages of modern electric types of public transport and outlined proposals for further legislative changes:

  1. Define the trolleybus as an electric bus in the legislation, with all legal consequences;
  2. Develop state assistance tools, primarily through financial mechanisms — for the infrastructure of modern electric transport (in particular, charging stations);
  3. Development of the sectoral law "On public transport", instead of the outdated approach of the existence of two separate laws on automobile and electric transport;
  4. Development of the sectoral law "On alternative fuels" in accordance with the Association Agreement with the EU. 


The representative of our NGO also explained why a battery-powered trolleybus with a power reserve is the best electric bus due to its greater resource intensity, lower cost compared to a battery-powered bus, better flexibility of routes and longer duration of operation. .  The recording of the event is availableat the link on YouTube , the presentation from the NGO "Vision Zero" and the reports of other participants are available at this link. Photo: Website of the VRU Committee on Energy and Housing.

Statement of NGO "Vision Zero" regarding draft law No. 8172 (on electric mobility)

Statement of NGO "Vision Zero" regarding draft law No. 8172 (on electric mobility)

Draft law No. 8172 is aimed at the development of electric transport. This goal is in line with the European Green Deal, the European Strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility and the Sustainable Development Goals. The draft law has two components: charging stations for cars and public transport. In terms of public transport, the norms of the adopted law, unfortunately, will not be able to have the expected positive impact on urban mobility in Ukraine. However, this is a positive start. By signing this statement, we propose that draft law No. 8172 be the beginning of a more thorough process of developing state policy in the field of public transport. Policies that correspond to industry documents and EU best practices, and are developed with the participation of key stakeholders — municipalities and their associations. We call on the legislators — in particular, the 24 initiators of draft law No. 8172 — to the following:

1) Move on. We propose to continue changes in state policies regarding the development of electric mobility in accordance with the directives of the European Commission and the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. In particular, (a) Development of the sectoral law "On public transport", instead of the outdated approach of the existence of two separate laws on automobile and on electric transport; (b) Development of the sectoral law "On alternative fuels" in accordance with the Association Agreement.

2) Recognize that a trolleybus is an electric bus. In terms of energy efficiency, practicality, service life and cost, the battery-powered trolley bus is superior to the battery-powered bus. Ukraine needs changes to legislation that will stop discrimination and "special treatment" of trolleybus systems. Ukraine already has the second largest number of cities with trolleybus systems in the world, and this is an asset that should be used and not thrown into the "dustbin of history". Trolleybuses and trams should be included in state policies for the development of electric mobility. We consider it expedient to define a trolley bus as an (electric) bus at the level of legislation, and to make a number of relevant changes in laws and by-laws;

3) Follow European practices. Ukraine should not invent "its own electric bus", but should carefully study the policies and mechanisms that exist in the EU and in individual member states in which electric transport is developed (Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland) and introduce similar policies and solutions. First of all, it is worth implementing the European integration obligations of Ukraine within the framework of the Association Agreement.

4) Cooperate with local self-government. State policy should be developed in a working dialogue with those who must then implement it, in this case — with cities and their associations. Draft law 8172 came as a surprise to the cities we surveyed, and they had too little time to make suggestions and comments. As a result, some local self-government officials express justified doubts about the possibility of implementing the provisions and goals of the law. The involvement of local self-government in the development of the content of the draft law is extremely important so that these laws are eventually implemented in real life;

5) Not to demand, but to facilitate. The norms of draft law 8172 are directive in nature and do not offer implementation mechanisms. Such an approach should not be inherent in a state in which the principles of democracy and decentralization prevail. The state should not tell the cities what they should do, but encourage and facilitate. The experience of the EU shows that this assistance should be primarily through co-financing mechanisms. We believe that state financing programs for the infrastructure and rolling stock of urban electric transport should be a mandatory element of state policy, and people's deputies, who set ambitious goals in Law 8172, should play a leading role in the development of such programs. We express our readiness to participate in the development of legislation on the issues highlighted above.