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Nadvirna: a small town with a desire to improve urban mobility

On June 22, experts from the NGO "Vision Zero" came to the city of Nadvirna, Ivano-Frankivsk region. The purpose of this familiarization visit was to gather up-to-date information on the operation of public transport and the nuances of its operation.

IMG_20230622_123900 In the premises of the city council, we talked with local representatives of local self-government bodies. Among others, with Ihor Pysklynets, the deputy mayor for financial, economic and social development, Iryna Babii, the leading specialist of the department of trade, transport and agricultural industry, and Taras Novoselskyi, the head of the economy department.

Iryna Babii said that there are 6 city bus routes in Nadvirnaya. All of them are served by private carriers with small-class buses. Complaints about their work from passengers are rare. Mostly this is in the case of a fare increase and some kind of rudeness on the part of the driver. The fare on city "routes" is UAH 10, and for students it is UAH 8. Travel is free for privileged categories (and schoolchildren), but carriers do not receive compensation from the city budget. Therefore, there is an "unspoken" rule of two preferential seats in one bus.

photo_2023-06-23_11-00-32 (2) The city leaders have a desire to create a municipal carrier for their own control and organization of transportation. However, since the beginning of a full-scale war, the city budget cannot allow this. They say that this will be possible only thanks to grant support from international donors.

As for suburban and district transportation between villages of the Nadvirnya Territorial Community, the situation is much worse . In fact, each route has its own carrier with one or two buses. The tariff varies depending on the mileage. Travel allowances do not apply there.

The main problem of these transports is the condition of the road surface both in the villages and between them. There are several villages where the leaders of the territorial community are asking the existing carrier to make at least a small number of flights.


Also, in Nadvirnaya there is a problem with the organization of the parking system in the city. As of now, it is very chaotic , said Taras Novoselskyi. Cashless payment for parking is not possible because there was no parking operator who would install an expensive parking meter. And the drivers of "routes" in the middle of the city have set up a permanent "bus station" that interferes with the movement of other vehicles. The city administration cannot finally overcome this. There are several problematic intersections in the city that need professional research and solutions.


Specialists of the NGO "Vision Zero" managed to investigate them in person, as well as some other parts of the streets, where the latest infrastructure solutions can be implemented.

In conclusion, Ihor Pysklynets said that the city leaders want to implement the transformation of one of the streets in the central part of the city into a pedestrian one. However, there are obstacles with the approval of such a decision in the police and discussion among residents.

Post-war restoration of public transport: the participants of the round table voiced the key tasks and challenges

Urgent, expensive and often unpopular solutions are needed - otherwise even the maintenance of existing public transport will soon be impossible, let alone development. This is one of the main common theses from various participants of the round table, organized by the "Center of Transport Strategies" together with the NGO "Vision Zero" . It was attended by representatives of Ukrainian manufacturers of public transport and its infrastructure, specialized industry experts, public activists and some representatives of authorities related to the topic of public transport.


For example, Volodymyr Budzan, commercial director of "Electronmash" , said that often after the delivery of trams in accordance with the contract, they have to wait half a year for payment for their products from an international donor, who provides the city of Lviv with a loan for the purchase of trams. This negatively affects the work of the enterprise, significantly inhibiting further production.

Dmytro Bespalov, lecturer of KNUBA, director of the company "ProMobility" said that public transport is the basis of the economy. Upgrading rolling stock is important, but infrastructure is more important, because infrastructure upgrades can provide more localization of products and more jobs.

429316b08b15823d6f7b4f29dd56a696_700_0_0 The thesis about the importance of transport infrastructure was further developed by Pavlo Savtsov, head of sales in the areas of urban electric transport and metro at PJSC "Pluton" . For the most part, the cities of Ukraine, which before the full-scale war massively updated the various rolling stock of electric transport, most often did not update the infrastructure before it (railways, substations, contact network, etc.). And if they are already updated, then it is quite spot-on, when a serious failure of certain components occurs. This approach needs to change, as the new trolleybuses and trams will quickly turn into the same ones that ran 10 years ago.

Another considerable, in fact the main problem of organizing the work of urban public transport is its financing. Often, deputies, mayors or heads of communal enterprises believe that municipal carriers should not be unprofitable, but profitable. At the same time, forgetting that their only source of income is the sale of tickets to pay for travel. Demyan Danilyuk, an expert on public transport from the NGO Vision Zero , claims that the government should adopt a special program for the development of public transport, and the parliament should vote for it in the state budget. It would support the purchase of rolling stock at the expense of the state and local budgets, and the cities, in return, would have to take loans from international financial organizations to modernize the infrastructure. Our cities will not be able to make progress on their own, and this sector will continue to decline.

You can read more opinions expressed by all the participants of the round table in the material of the Center for Transport Strategies.

Chernivtsi - it was there that the next familiarization visit was made by the team of the NGO "Vision Zero"

On June 9, 2023, members of the NGO "Vision Zero" arrived in Chernivtsi to receive up-to-date information about the operation of the city's public transport, its existing problems and challenges. 1686385970848

We managed to communicate with representatives of local self-government bodies there - deputy mayors Igor Krokhmal, Yevhen Makhovikov and director of the transport department Ludmila Svyrida. Based on the results of this meeting, we learned from them about the state of public transport in Chernivtsi and already implemented projects.

Lyudmila Svyrida said that private carriers still dominate the bus transport market of Chernivtsi, their share is 73% against 17% of buses of the communal carrier . Cooperation of Chernivtsi with private carriers is atypical compared to other cities. In particular, the city council provided for the operation of so-called "discounted routes". There is a rule that provides for 30% of seats free of charge for preferential categories of passengers. After that, private carriers receive compensation for them from the city budget.

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Deputy Mayor Yevhen Mahovikov noted that the Chernivtsi Community Passenger Transport Development Program and Electric Transport Development Program are active in the city. They provide for the development of public transport, in particular electric, to improve the quality of transport.

Another important project that has already been successfully implemented in buses and trolleybuses of the KP Chernivtsi Trolleybus Administration is the introduction of the "electronic ticket" system . Validators are placed in vehicles for payment of travel by transport and bank card. The use of cash was completely excluded from the payment methods. Private carriers are not yet connected to the system. 1686385970711

During the meeting at the Chernivtsi Trolleybus Administration KP, its director Petro Lysak told how the work of the enterprise is currently being transformed. The city authorities are betting on further dominance in the transportation market. The main thing is to update the rolling stock. In recent years, Dnipro T203 trolleybuses with batteries for driving areas without a contact network and PTS-12 have been purchased for ChTU. photo_2023-06-16_13-29-31

Also, Petro Lysak believes that the buses received by KP "ChTU" are a transitional period in order to ensure better regularity of public transport already now. In the future, electric transport will develop more and more. In his opinion, 80% of routes in the city could be covered by trolleybuses. However, this requires renewal of at least 70% of the rolling stock (old cars), as well as the purchase of additional vehicles. In addition, there is a need to complete and rebuild the contact network to enable the movement of trolleybuses in additional directions.

In the end, Petro Lysak noted that despite all the positive changes, there is an acute shortage of drivers and technical personnel for the maintenance of buses and trolleybuses in the KP "ChTU". They are trying to correct this by raising wages, improving working conditions, and encouraging students from vocational colleges to complete internships at the enterprise with further employment. photo_2023-06-16_14-21-15

The Lviv tram is 129 years old!

A couple of days ago, the Lviv tram celebrated its next birthday! This tram system is the first on the territory of modern Ukraine . From 1880 to 1908, horse traction was used for tram transportation in Lviv, and from 1894, the first electric trams appeared.


Photo: Volodymyr Karaim

The tram network of Lviv has gone through a long path of transformations or, on the contrary, crisis periods of work, in particular:

- complete closure of horse traction in 1908; - significant damage to the tram industry as a result of the First and Second World Wars; - the appearance on the routes of a considerable number of different and newer brands of rolling stock after 1950; - during the restoration of Ukraine's independence, new routes appeared, in particular, the largest project is the "tram to Sikhiv".


Photo: Volodymyr Karaim

A separate "highlight" of the Lviv tram is the celebration of the anniversaries of the beginning of its operation. Since 2014, LKP "Lvivelectrotrans" has started holding almost annual thematic celebrations with a diverse program. This year, on June 4 , it was an inspection of trams that were still in operation in the 20th century. and are now museum exhibits on the territory of the depot for all who are interested. Guests could sit in the salons of these trams, in their cabins and take photos. You can also hear the stories of connoisseurs of Lviv tram history, a festive orchestra and a special route complete the picture.

Many clarifications about the Lviv tram were made in the corresponding article in the Ukrainian "Wikipedia" by specialists of our public organization. We invite you to study the article and once again sincerely congratulate the Lviv tram!

Resolution of the All-Ukrainian Forum of Urban Mobility

During April 26-28, 2023, the All-Ukrainian Mobility Forum was held in Lviv. It united more than 100 specialists in the field of sustainable urban mobility. We wrote about the event in more detail in one of the past publications. The purpose of the event was the exchange of knowledge, experience and the formation of further coordinated plans for the development of urban mobility. And according to the results of the event, the corresponding resolution of the participants was formed. The resolution became the consolidated theses regarding the main problems related to sustainable urban mobility in the cities of Ukraine. DSCF5676 Resolution of the All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum in Lviv, April 26-28, 2023 Preamble On April 26-29, 2023, the All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum was held in Lviv. The event was organized by the team of the Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure of the Lviv City Council in cooperation with the NGO "Vision Zero", as part of the project "TUMIVolt - urban mobility from renewable energy sources", implemented by the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH" with funding Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany. More than 150 representatives of city councils, enterprises, public organizations from Ukraine and abroad took part. The event became a platform for dialogue between representatives of the central government and local self-government, experts in the field of urban mobility, transport and infrastructure, representatives of business and public organizations. Participants shared experiences, learned about best practices and agreed on next steps. This resolution is the result of the forum. Barrier-free street and transport infrastructure

1. The accessibility of cities and transport infrastructure is a strategically important common goal of a humanitarian nature. Cities, urban and intercity transport must function in a coordinated manner and be accessible to groups with reduced mobility.

2. The participants of the forum support the goals of the state to achieve barrier-free accessibility , enshrined in the National Strategy for the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine, and are already taking measures to conduct an audit of barrier-free accessibility and improve the accessibility situation. However, to achieve barrier-free cities, transport infrastructure and transport services, meaningful cooperation and assistance at the level of state bodies of executive power and state enterprises is necessary.

3. Forum participants consider it critically important to ensure barrier-free railway stations and stations as key transport hubs . City councils are ready to cooperate with Ukrzaliznytsia in this direction, so that platforms, station buildings and station squares, public transport stops, parking spaces and other infrastructure elements become barrier-free, and expect open and active cooperation from Ukrzaliznytsia. and appropriate state financing of design and construction works.

City public transport

4. Ukraine should implement European Commission Directive 1370/2007 as soon as possible in accordance with clause 1875 of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU (regarding public passenger transport services by rail and road transport). This will open up the opportunity for cities to move to a modern and sustainable transport procurement system instead of an outdated and inefficient system of tenders for bus routes. The drafts of the relevant Laws of Ukraine were registered in the VRU under No. 5149 dated 25.02.2021, No. 5150 dated 25.02.2021, No. 5151 dated 25.02.2021, No. 5152 dated 25.02.2021, No. 5185 dated 02.03.2021, but they have not been adopted for more than two years. were considered by the Verkhovna Rada.

5. Public transport and urban mobility in general should become the subject of attention from the legislative and executive bodies of state power , and occupy an important place in state policy, in accordance with the documents and best practices of the European Union. It is expedient for the Committee on Transport and Infrastructure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to resume the inclusion of draft laws on urban mobility in the agenda of its meetings, and the development and implementation of state policy to promote the development of sustainable urban mobility, in particular public transport, cycling and road safety, should be added to the spheres of authority of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

6. Cities are experiencing a staffing crisis in public utilities, especially the lack of drivers and technicians of public transport enterprises. A new Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 exacerbated this problem; for example, at the Vinnytsia Transport Company, more than 100 workers have been mobilized into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The personnel crisis leads to the fact that there will be no one to manage and no one to service the new rolling stock. Cities will not be able to solve this problem without legislative changes, in particular regarding the public transport financing system, driver training, etc. State support for vocational and technical education in the field of public transport is also necessary.

7. The Law of Ukraine "On some issues of the use of vehicles equipped with electric engines and amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding overcoming fuel dependence and the development of electric charging infrastructure and electric vehicles" in terms of quotas for electric buses when purchasing rolling stock after 2024, the participants of the forum consider it unrealistic and insensitive to the situation in cities and to the field of urban public transport in general , and as such, which does not take into account the need to update and develop already existing tram and trolleybus systems in cities, and does not stimulate communities to replace private vehicles with buses. For many routes and settlements, high-quality bus connections today will have a better impact on the environment than a small number of electric buses in a few years. The norms of this Law should be improved and supplemented by further legislative changes.

8. At the level of state bodies, it is worth recognizing that electric public transport as a sector of the economy has significant potential for the post-war recovery of Ukraine and integration into the EU. Ukrainian battery buses, trolleybuses and trams, railway rolling stock can be competitive in domestic and foreign markets, bringing tax payments, quality jobs, innovative technological development and export earnings to the state. Ukraine has the capacity to produce more than 1,000 buses, trolleybuses, and trams per year, but only a few dozen are produced. At the level of state policy and city procurement policies, it is advisable to prioritize the Ukrainian manufacturer and ensure the percentage of production localization.

9. Deregulation of urban transport infrastructure: in cooperation between municipalities and public authorities, based on EU best practices, the numerous obstacles for cities to develop electric public transport, which contain legal norms (for example, the need to carry out an environmental impact assessment for tram lines, when such assessment is not required for highways, prohibition of tram and trolleybus traffic through railroad crossings where buses are allowed), state building codes and state standards (eg restrictions on track, catenary and subway design). DBN and DSTU should be reformed in Ukraine in order to remove outdated regulatory requirements that do not exist in EU countries. In an optimal scenario, these norms should be transferred to a parametric approach, fixing the criteria for the final result, and not requirements for technical parameters. (for example, the regulatory requirement for a minimum distance of 20 meters from the tram track to the nearest residential buildings should be replaced by a requirement for the maximum permissible level of noise and vibration in residential buildings caused by the movement of trams). Deregulation of pricing and provision of benefits for the use of public transport is also important.

10. Tax incentives for public transport . The participants of the forum propose to consider the cancellation or reduction of VAT on rolling stock and infrastructure of public electric transport, in particular, to exempt from VAT purchases that take place with the involvement of international financial organizations. This will allow cities to more quickly update rolling stock and electric transport infrastructure, the need for which is very significant. An important component of the sustainability of urban passenger transport financing is the restoration of the state subsidy to compensate for the benefits for travel in public transport, which were introduced by the state.

11. Zones of low and zero emissions in cities. Changes are needed to the Law of Ukraine on Local Self-Government, the Law of Ukraine on Road Traffic and the legislation that regulates mechanisms for recording violations, which will allow cities to plan and implement low-emission zones, following the example of how it is done in European Union cities.

Traffic safety

12. Planning before designing. For infrastructure projects (roads, streets, bridges, tunnels, stations), a planning stage (feasibility study) should be provided as a mandatory stage that precedes design. Make changes to legislation and by-laws. The planning stage of infrastructure projects includes several new planning tools (in addition to the existing TEA): pre-TEA (preliminary TEA), transport concept, road safety impact assessment, consultations with interested parties.

13. The speed factor is the number one problem. It is necessary to take decisive measures to reduce excessive speed as a key factor that causes the majority of road accidents with victims in Ukraine, in particular: eliminate or reduce the threshold of tolerance, which is currently 20 km/h, which does not correspond to the practices of any EU country; introduce changes to speeding fines with a progressive increase in the amount of the fine for every 10 km/h; begin to develop a system of penalty points to positively affect the minority of drivers who create the majority of problems, and for which monetary sanctions (fines) are not a deterrent.

14. Continuation of decentralization in the field of traffic management. The Law of Ukraine "On Road Traffic" already defines the responsibility of local authorities for road safety in the territory of communities, and the Law of Ukraine "On Roads" defines the need for road safety audits and the qualification requirements of auditors. However, the conduct of road safety audits on roads passing within the boundaries of populated areas is not regulated, and duplication remains in the form of the requirement for simultaneous approval of changes to the organization of road traffic by patrol police bodies, which do not always have specialists with the necessary qualifications on site. Thus, the field of activity of qualified experts who have passed the appropriate certification is more limited than the powers of regional units of the patrol police, which do not have the appropriate qualification requirements.

Transport integration of cities and suburbs

15. Intermunicipal cooperation. To develop the legislative framework in the field of inter-municipal cooperation - to update the Law of Ukraine "On Cooperation of Territorial Communities", as it is outdated and does not reflect the decentralization reform that took place later (creation of united communities). During the 9 years of existence of the law, not a single large city concluded an agreement with neighboring communities on inter-municipal cooperation, which indicates the invalidity of the law.

16. Law on agglomerations. Begin the development of a specialized law on urban agglomerations, based on the example of EU countries, which will allow organizing effective cooperation between large cities and surrounding communities in the sector of transport services, infrastructure development and other services.

Cycling and micromobility

17. Authorize the Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine: Amend Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 460 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine" dated June 30, 2015 in the part of the Ministry's powers related to the formation and implementation of state policies in the bicycle and light personal transport sector.

18. To complete work on the National Bicycle Strategy of Ukraine , the draft of which was developed by representatives of civil society with the participation of cities in 2019-2021. The need for bicycle infrastructure development and state support for this development only intensified as a result of the full-scale war.

19. Consider changes to the customs and tax legislation regarding the exemption from import duty and VAT of electric micromobility vehicles — scooters and electric bicycles, following the example of how it is done with private electric cars. Electric cars create traffic jams and occupy urban space to the same extent as non-electric cars. Means of micromobility, on the other hand, do not do this.

20. Make changes to the Road Traffic Rules , detailing the rules for the movement of light personal vehicles and make changes to the rules for the movement of cyclists, the draft of which has been developed by civil society.

21. Provide for the construction of bicycle paths within the construction of public roads of the I and II categories.

 Deregulation of parking

22. Amend Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1342 "On Approval of Vehicle Parking Rules" dated December 3, 2009 and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1306 of October 10, 2001 "On Traffic Rules" and allow parking closer than specified in the restrictions , if it is provided for by the current traffic organization scheme, does not impede traffic and does not violate the safety of road users, namely: allow the possibility of reduced distances from public transport stops, pedestrian crossings, entrances to adjacent territories, railway crossings, solid waste sites, etc.

23. Develop separate State building regulations for street parking, taking into account the European experience , since today, for the organization of street parking, the standards for the construction of multi-level garages are used (DBN B.2.3-15:2007 "Parking lots and garages for passenger cars").

24. To make changes to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 258 "On approval of the procedure for the formation of tariffs for services for the use of sites for paid parking of vehicles" dated March 2, 2010, since the existing pricing does not take into account modern approaches to the organization of parking (in particular, introduce the factor of paid occupancy , allow dynamic pricing, etc.).


25. Create the possibility of transfer to the balance or exploitation of communities, in particular, in the form of public-private partnership, railway tracks and stations. This should make it easier for local governments to invest in rail transport, not only in urban and suburban passenger, but also in general in rail transport infrastructure located within communities.

26. Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Railway Transport": Create the possibility of combining the arrival and departure schedules of railway transport with city public transport. Providing local authorities with the opportunity to influence the distribution of rail transport capacity in such a way as to synchronize different modes of transport with each other for more efficient passenger transportation, in particular, thanks to the transition to the procedure for the procurement of public passenger transport services by rail and road transport.

According to the results of the Forum, the text of the resolution was formulated by the members of the organizing committee: Orest Oleskiv, Department of Transport, Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure of Lviv City Council, Pavlo Syrvatka , Department of Street Infrastructure, Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure of Lviv City Council, Marta Pastukh , Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Viktor Zagreba , public organization "Vision Zero".

Another familiarization visit of the NGO "Vision Zero": this time to Vinnytsia

On May 16, 2023, members of the NGO "Vision Zero" together with the correspondent of the Center for Transport Strategies (TCS) made an introductory visit to the city of Vinnytsia. The goal is the same: obtaining up-to-date information about implemented projects in the field of public transport and urban mobility.

1 During the visit, meetings were held with relevant heads of local self-government bodies and communal enterprises, in particular: with the director of the KP "Vinnytsiakartservice" Kateryna Babina, the director of the Department of Transport and Urban Mobility Andriy Sorokin, the head of the KP "Agency of Spatial Development" Maksym Kravchuk and acting Volodymyr Dudko, head of the technical department of KP "Vinnytsia Transport Company".

2 Based on the results of these meetings, they learned about the stages of the implementation of the "electronic ticket" project (that is, the introduction of an automated system of payment and passenger registration) in all public transport in Vinnytsia. At the announced tender, the Czech company "Mikroelektronika" won at one time with an offer of 5 million euros. As of now, about 500 vehicles are equipped with validators and POS terminals. Payment can be made by transport and bank cards, as well as cash + transfer available 30 minutes. in case of payment by transport card.

1684307539587 In addition to everything else, Vinnytsia is known for its Swiss "Mirage" trams, which the city received free of charge from the city of Zurich. They are used, but in good enough condition for transportation. They are the basis of the rolling stock of trams in Vinnytsia. It also became known that the city of Zurich will provide Vinnytsia with 16 Tram2000 model cars in 2023 as part of agreements to improve transport services during a full-scale war. In addition, KP "VTK" continues to improve its own "VinWay" trams, which have already proven themselves well.

During the meeting at the KP "Agency of Spatial Development", its head Maksym Kravchuk talked about the implemented projects related to urban mobility and those that are in the plans. In particular, this is the project of reconstruction of the Railway Station Square , which involves 4 stages of implementation and is related to the "Vinnytsia mile" project.

They also discussed Vinnytsia's experience of arranging "Viennese" stops, the problems of their use in conditions of diverse rolling stock.


We learned from the representative of the KP "Vinnytsia Tram-Trolleybus Administration" that Vinnytsia is one of the few cities in Ukraine that operates an electric bus. This is the Chinese "Skywell". However, the expediency of his work is debatable. It is charged in the depot for 5-6 hours (that is, at night), consumes 1 kW/km, in winter it can be 1.3 kW/km. Not the only significant advantage of this electric bus is that it rarely breaks down, since it has been in operation since 2019. Against the background of the fact that the company still has 30-40-year-old "ZiU" trolleybuses among all others, this is a really good indicator. 5

Finally, it should be noted that until recently, KP "VTK" was actively updating the infrastructure for the high-quality operation of electric public transport. This process slowed down somewhat due to the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine. However, the plans include further modernization of substations, feeder lines and repair of tram tracks.

NGO "Vision Zero" made a familiarization visit to Chernihiv

On May 3, 2023, members of the NGO "Vision Zero" together with the correspondent of the Center for Transport Strategies (TCS) made a familiarization visit to the city of Chernihiv. The goal was to obtain up-to-date information about the needs and challenges of the city in the field of public transport and urban mobility.


During the visit, meetings were held with relevant heads of local self-government bodies, namely: head of the transport department Oleksandr Ryzy, deputy mayor Viktor Gerashchenko and the management of the "Chernihiv trolleybus management" Ruslan Yemets and Sergey Borodukha from the "Chernihiv auto plant" (Corporation "Etalon", director of quality and general issues). Based on the results of these meetings, they learned about the scale of infrastructure destruction that the city suffered during Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, about the challenges that appeared and the reforms that were implemented during 2022. Despite the fact that Chernihiv was under heavy bombardment and shelling for 40 days, and almost 45% of the contact network and supports were destroyed, the city managed to restore and reform the route network of public transport, including updating the rolling stock. Currently, 20 public transport routes operate in the city: 7 communal trolleybuses and 13 private bus carriers. The electronic ticket system operates both in communal and private public transport. Payment can be made by transport and bank cards, as well as cash. Soon, the city plans to implement a system of transfers between different types of public transport. As of now, the city operates 93 buses, most of which are private carriers, and 51 trolleybuses. Despite the "war year", carriers updated 40 buses (these are new "Atamans", "Etalons" and used ones from the EU). Another 9 "Atamans" visited the city a few years ago. 1683221256035 We learned from the management of the Chernihiv Automobile Plant that the company can currently produce diesel buses and trolleybuses. The company also built the first model of a trolleybus with autonomous operation. Owners and managers are interested in establishing contacts in the EU, participating in international programs and projects related to electric mobility/design and production of electric buses. However, all this requires promotion among potential customers of products, international donors and support from specialized state institutions. 1683221255122

The round table in Lviv on electric transport brought together 46 participants from 12 cities

As part of the "All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum" on 04/27/2023, the NGO "Vision Zero" held a round table on the topic "Development of electric public transport and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine".


The purpose of the round table was the exchange of opinions and assessments regarding the development of the electric public transport sector in Ukraine and the formation of joint proposals, which were later included in the Forum Resolution and covered in the mass media. The moderator of the round table was Viktor Zagreba, the chairman of the board of the NGO "Vision Zero" , and informational support was provided by the "Center of Transport Strategies" portal.

The participants of the round table together identified the main strategic obstacles and the vision for the development of electric public transport in the cities of Ukraine.

46 participants from 12 cities took part in the round table, including 16 officials of executive bodies and city councils and five representatives of transport utility companies. The most active participants: Vitaly Golutyak (Director of KP "Electroavtotrans"), Anton Hagen (World Bank), Kateryna Lozovenko (Director of LLC "Oresund"), Oleksandr Grechko (public initiative "Passengers of Kyiv"), Volodymyr Buzan (LLC "Zavod Electronmash" ), Vasyl Klat (Department of Transport, Mariupol), Ihor Makovtsev (Dnipro City Council), Dmytro Bespalov (ToV "Pro mobilitnost"), Orest Oleskiv (Head of the Department of Transport, Lviv), Marina Virkun (Department of Transport and Communications Kherson), Andriy Sorokin (Vinnytsia City Council) and from the hall Anton Brynykh (CP "Rivneelectrotrans").

The key points of the speeches are highlighted in the publication of the "Center for Transport Strategies" entitled "Legislative changes, shortage of personnel and electric buses: how cities see the post-war recovery of public transport."


"All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum" was organized by the Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure of the Lviv City Council, with the support of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) as part of the "TUMIVolt - Urban Mobility from Renewable Energy Sources" project. The co-organizer of the event is the NGO "Vision Zero".

NGO "Vision Zero" became a co-organizer of the Urban Mobility Forum

On April 26, 2023, the All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum began in Lviv. About 100 participants from different regions of Ukraine took part in the event. The forum is held by the Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure of the Lviv City Council within the framework of the project "TUMIVolt - urban mobility from renewable energy sources" of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), financed by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. The NGO Vision Zero is also a co-organizer of the event. The purpose of the event is the exchange of knowledge, experience and the formation of further coordinated plans for the development of urban mobility. According to the results of the event, the appropriate resolution of the participants will be formed. Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi spoke at the opening. He emphasized that Lviv has taken a new approach to the restoration of street infrastructure: not to repair the road, but to restore spaces. And the projects will be chosen exclusively based on the results of architectural competitions. According to this principle, the city will arrange the space on the street. Mykolaychuk near the rehabilitation center NEZLAMNI/ UNBROKEN. He also talked about the NEZLAMNA ecosystem of humanity, which is being built in Lviv today. And this system actually provides for the reconstruction of city locations from the point of view of accessibility and friendliness. 183A2455 Source: Lviv City Council: Photo: Roman Baluk

De-Russification and filling of the Ukrainian "Wikipedia" (updated)

We have already written about the fact that from the beginning of 2023, the NGO "Vision Zero" began the de-Russification and modernization of the content in the Ukrainian "Wikipedia" on the topic of transport and mobility.


We consider this to be an important social mission, as currently Ukrainian-language articles are mostly literal translations of Russian versions, often with outdated information, photos, etc. We are currently working in several directions: updating existing articles and creating new ones that did not exist in Ukrainian, based on English-German articles. Updated articles: New articles: We will update this publication in accordance with the appearance of new and updated articles of the Ukrainian "Wikipedia". We invite you to follow, share with others and write to us if you know about the existence of articles without Ukrainian translation or those that need to be updated/created!