Category: News

De-Russification and filling of the Ukrainian "Wikipedia" (updated)

We have already written about the fact that from the beginning of 2023, the NGO "Vision Zero" began the de-Russification and modernization of the content in the Ukrainian "Wikipedia" on the topic of transport and mobility.


We consider this to be an important social mission, as currently Ukrainian-language articles are mostly literal translations of Russian versions, often with outdated information, photos, etc. We are currently working in several directions: updating existing articles and creating new ones that did not exist in Ukrainian, based on English-German articles. Updated articles: New articles: We will update this publication in accordance with the appearance of new and updated articles of the Ukrainian "Wikipedia". We invite you to follow, share with others and write to us if you know about the existence of articles without Ukrainian translation or those that need to be updated/created!

NGO "Vision Zero" became a member of the European association "Transport & Environment" ("T&A")

Brussels, March 30, 2023. NGO "Vision Zero" became a member of the European association "Transport & Environment" ("T&A") . This decision was made in Brussels at the annual meeting of "T&A" on March 30, 2023. Viktor Zagreba, the head of the board of the NGO "Vision Zero", made a short presentation of the organization, and after the vote, he thanked the members and the organization's secretariat for the positive decision.


Association "Transport & Environment" is a non-profit organization that has existed for over 30 years and is engaged in advocacy and promotion of reducing the impact of transport on the environment. The scope of the organization's attention includes the entire range of types of transport from private cars, trucks, shipping, aviation and railways. The strategic goal is the complete decarbonization of transport in Europe by 2050 and, as a result, the improvement of air quality and the environmental situation in general.

As of January 2023, the association included 52 organizations from 23 European countries. The main office is located in Brussels, and in addition there are also national offices in France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and Great Britain. "The joining of our organization to "Transport & Environment" is an important step for us, because it is a huge concentration of industry knowledge, experience, and an excellent network of organizations and people. EU countries have been on the difficult path of decarbonization of the transport industry for a long time. The process of acquiring Ukraine's membership in the EU means that this is also our way. We, as a public organization, are doing our part in European integration with this step. This step makes our organization a more competent and confident participant in the development of state policy and recovery plans for post-war Ukraine," Viktor commented on this event. Zagreb, chairman of the board of the NGO "Vision Zero".

Translation of "Strategies for sustainable and smart mobility - European transport on the way to the future"

Sustainable and smart mobility strategy - European transport on the way to the future" is a strategic document of the European Union, which is an overview of the existing problems with mobility in European cities, their impact on the quality of life, the environment. In general, it is about reducing CO2 emissions and dependence from fossil fuels. The document was approved by the European Commission in Brussels on December 9, 2020. The strategy has a short- and long-term perspective. The planning horizon is up to 2050.
  • At least 30 million zero-emission cars and 80,000 zero-emission trucks will be in operation by 2030.
  • By 2050, almost all cars, vans, buses and new heavy vehicles will be zero-emission.
  • Zero-emission ocean liners and zero-emission large aircraft will be ready to enter the market by 2030 and 2035, respectively.
sustainable-aviation-programme.jpg The document envisages a number of significant changes in approaches to the production of various types of transport, bringing a large number of them to zero emissions. For example, the transition to stricter emission standards for vehicles with internal combustion engines (Euro 7) and the increase of electrified sections of railways. In general, the course towards sustainable mobility also involves considerable changes in infrastructure facilities, an increase in the share of rail transport, "greening" of freight transport, a transition to sustainable modes of transport, etc. The authors propose a comprehensive set of measures to put the EU on the path to creating a sustainable, smart and sustainable mobility system of the future and to implement fundamental changes to achieve the goals of the European Green Deal. The document itself consists of 9 short and meaningful sections. We believe that this document is important in the context of the future post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The proposed Ukrainian edition is an unofficial translation of the original document , which was carried out by the efforts and at the initiative of the Ukrainian NGO "Vision Zero". We wanted it to become more accessible to a wider range of readers. Document: " Sustainable and smart mobility strategy - European transport on the way to the future"

De-Russification and thematic content of Ukrainian Wikipedia (updated)

When a person searches for something on the topic of transport and mobility, one of the first results is always Wikipedia. We noted earlier that Ukrainian Wiki-articles have a "Soviet spirit". Upon closer examination, it turns out that they are often literal translations of Russian versions of articles, with Russian trolleybuses or trams in the photos. And of course, they often do not reflect modern world achievements and practices - for example, the English-language article "Trolleybus" is fundamentally different from the Russian and Ukrainian ones.

[caption id="attachment_640" align="alignleft" width="800"] Bydgoszcz (3) Photo: Oleksandr Shutyuk, 2017, Bydgoszcz, Poland. [/caption]

Therefore, from the beginning of 2023, the NGO "Vision Zero" began to de-Russify and modernize the content in the Ukrainian "Wikipedia" on the topic of transport and mobility. Here are some of the already implemented wiki projects:

Updated articles: New articles: We will update this publication in accordance with the appearance of new and updated articles of the Ukrainian "Wikipedia". We invite you to follow, share with others and write to us if you know about the existence of articles without Ukrainian translation or those that need to be updated/created! We will continue our activities on de-Russification and modernization of Wikipedia. We invite you to join this process, because everyone can be the author of Wikipedia! And if you have ideas for articles that need to be updated or created - write to us!

NGO "Vision Zero" spoke at the committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

On March 17, in the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Energy and Housing at the address of the city of Kyiv, str. Lipska, 3 , public consultations were held on stimulating the development of the infrastructure of charging stations for electric vehicles . Among the participants was the NGO "Vision Zero" in the person of public transport expert Demyan Danyliuk. He presented the presentation "Electric public transport and modernization of legislation for it". 30920 NGO "Vision Zero" informed the members of the committee about the advantages of modern electric types of public transport and outlined proposals for further legislative changes:
  1. Define the trolleybus as an electric bus in the legislation, with all legal consequences;
  2. Develop state assistance tools, primarily through financial mechanisms — for the infrastructure of modern electric transport (in particular, charging stations);
  3. Development of the sectoral law "On public transport", instead of the outdated approach of the existence of two separate laws on automobile and electric transport;
  4. Development of the sectoral law "On alternative fuels" in accordance with the Association Agreement with the EU.
The representative of our NGO also explained why a battery-powered trolleybus with a power reserve is the best electric bus due to its greater resource intensity, lower cost compared to a battery-powered bus, better flexibility of routes and longer duration of operation. . 30910 The recording of the event is availableat the link on YouTube , the presentation from the NGO "Vision Zero" and the reports of other participants are available at this link. Photo: Website of the VRU Committee on Energy and Housing.

New project "Zero-emission Public Transport"

From January 2023, the NGO "Vision Zero" implements the "Zero-emission Public Transport" project, within the framework of which the collection and dissemination of actual factual and analytical information about the electric public transport industry takes place. We strive for a balanced post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and the acquisition of membership in the European Union. We are convinced that modern urban mobility, in particular, electric transport, should find its proper place on the agenda of the government, the Verkhovna Rada, and in strategic documents. The project is supported by the European Climate Foundation and implemented in cooperation with industry experts and the "Center for Transport Strategies" ( ). [caption id="attachment_326" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Trolleybus in Geneva. Photo: O.Shutyuk Illustrative photo. Trolleybus in Geneva, Switzerland. Photo: O.Shutyuk[/caption] As a reminder, our public organization has three strategic directions, all of which are centered around the topic of "Zero" in the field of sustainable mobility: 1. Traffic safety: Zero fatalities in traffic crashes; 2. Zero-emission transport: Zero-emission public transport; 3. Barrier-free: Zero barriers in mobility. We invite individuals and organizations interested in the support and development of electric public transport to contact us. After all, only together, in synergy, we will be able to achieve maximum results.

Ukrainian NGOs and Greenpeace demand climate-friendly reconstruction of Ukraine

BERLIN, 24 October 2022 - The Ukrainian NGOs “Ecoaction”, “Razom we Stand”, “Vision Zero”, and Greenpeace demand to put climate-sustainability as the guiding principle for the reconstruction of post-war Ukraine. That includes a transition to renewable energy, electric public transport and Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings as standard and no further investment in fossil fuels. The organizations request German chancellor Olaf Scholz to support this goal at the International Expert Conference on the Recovery, Reconstruction and Modernisation of Ukraine starting tomorrow in Berlin. Therefore, activists raised a replica wind turbine near the chancellery. “We cannot rely anymore on the centralized fossil fuel energy systems of the past”, says Svitlana Romanko, director of Razom We Stand, “apart from harming the climate, they have proven to be extremely vulnerable to deliberate attacks. Ukraine’s reconstruction is the unique chance for Europe as a whole, as a continent, to step up energy transition and achieve real energy security based on renewables. Chancellor Scholz and President Zelensky must face the truth: There is no place for new fossil fuel infrastructure in a post-war Ukraine.” Berlin event “Renewable energy production was a fast-growing sector before the war in Ukraine”, says Yevheniia Zasiadko, head of the climate department of Ecoaction. “But two-thirds of all renewable energy generation is located in southern Ukraine, in one of the most war-affected regions. The energy system is centralized, so the whole system is an easy target for Russia, and it will affect all the country. The recovery period should be based on development of decentralized renewable energy projects and reduce dependence on large power generating facility, like nuclear energy. Households, organizations and communities should be able to produce and manage their own energy.” “The draft for Ukraine recovery plans does not at all correspond to the EU Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy”, says Viktor Zagreba, head of Vision Zero. “The word ‘automobile’ is mentioned 195 times, and ‘sustainable’ only once! In addition, the needs of Ukraine's cities are not reflected at all. We strongly believe that the recovery plans need to be completely re-written, and that the new documents should be based on a green vision and on EU’s sustainable mobility goals and best practices.” “While repairing and building new houses and public buildings, we cannot afford spending recovery money on old technologies”, says Denys Tsutsaiev, Greenpeace campaigner in Kyiv. “The installation of solar panels, heat pumps and proper insulation should be prioritized. In order to have warm, efficient and welcoming homes for all Ukrainians waiting to come back. Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings should be the new standard for all new buildings already from 2023. Ukraine has the historic chance to take the path to climate-friendly, independent energy with the best modern technologies. This is the best and real investment into the Ukrainian future.”

The German city of Freiburg handed over temporary means of the ODR to Lviv

On June 15, 2022, the city of Lviv received a shipment of humanitarian aid from the partner city of Freiburg (Germany), containing several hundred units of temporary means of traffic management. photo_2023-03-22_11-12-29 (2) In particular, the cargo included: a number of road signs, plastic directional milestones, stands for directional milestones and road signs, flashing traffic lights (red and yellow), traffic signal cones, plastic fencing barriers and temporary road markings (in rolls) . photo_2023-03-22_11-12-29 We will remind you that in March 2022, after the start of full-scale hostilities and the creation of dozens of roadblocks on the roads of Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, and Chernivtsi regions, the NGO "Vision Zero" identified the problem of a lack of ODR means on them. photo_2023-03-22_13-11-01 In coordination with representatives of these regions, we compiled a technical nomenclature of these necessary tools and, together with foreign colleagues, translated this nomenclature into Polish and German. Then, both our NGO and the cities independently distributed relevant requests for assistance, together with a compiled list of ODR funds, among organizations and municipalities in Poland and Germany. We are glad that Lviv managed to receive this specialized humanitarian aid. It will help the city to secure road traffic near checkpoints. We were pleased to take a professional part in this humanitarian project.

Open call to help Ukrainian cities with road safety equipment

NGO Vision Zero is officially registered in Ukraine and operates since 2016. Based on our direct contact with city transport departments we have identified an urgent humanitarian need of cities in traffic safety equipment. We received written requests from Lviv, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk and are expecting to receive more. The equipment is need for driver's warning, traffic calming and lane converging near recently built military and police check-points,  for physical separation of pop-up special lanes (for buses, military, humanitarian convoys), and for reduction of illegal and wrongful parking due to flood of new inhabitants and new private vehicles. Screenshot_DE On behalf of the three big cities of Ukraine - Lviv/Lemberg, Czernowitz and Iwano-Frankiwsk - NGO Vision Zero addressed an open letter in the German language to municipalities and companies in Germany, Switzerland and Austria and asked for possibilities to donate some of the needed equipment, used or new, as humanitarian aid to the cities of Ukraine. A list of the most needed equipment was enclosed to this letter. For organizations and entities interested to respond to this request we invite to contact directly the founder and chairman of our organization, Viktor Zagreba, via the email or on social media (Facebook, Linkedin). With kind regards, Viktor Zagreba, Chairperson of NGO Vision Zero: [caption id="attachment_299" align="alignleft" width="800"]Viktor Zagreba Photo from a conference on Sustainable Mobility and Road Safety that was held in Ivano-Frankivsk City Hall in October 2021 (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)[/caption]

We collect equipment for the organization of road traffic

NGO "Vision Zero" identified a problem with the insufficiency of means of traffic management in the cities of Ukraine. In connection with the beginning of the war, dozens and hundreds of checkpoints appeared in cities, the problem of chaotic parking increased, and the need for special traffic lanes appeared. In cooperation with the cities of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Chernivtsi, we identified a list of 16 ODR tools that are most needed, and began searching for these tools in Germany and Poland to transfer to the cities of Ukraine as humanitarian aid. As of March 31, 2022, with the support of colleagues in friendly organizations, it was possible to:
  1. Received letters of inquiry from the first three cities with the required amount of possession;
  2. Prepare a list of technical nomenclature in German and Polish;
  3. Prepare and send a request letter to more than 20 addressees in Germany.
We are currently forming the first batch of equipment for shipment. Thanks for the help with this initiative to friends and colleagues in the following organizations: LLC "Oresund" (Ivano-Frankivsk), VCDB (Germany), Engineering Bureau "DAMART" (Poland), GIZ (Ukraine and Germany). Screenshot_TZODR