NGO Vision Zero is officially registered in Ukraine and operates since 2016. Based on our direct contact with city transport departments we have identified an urgent humanitarian need of cities in traffic safety equipment. We received written requests from Lviv, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk and are expecting to receive more. The equipment is need for driver's warning, traffic calming and lane converging near recently built military and police check-points, for physical separation of pop-up special lanes (for buses, military, humanitarian convoys), and for reduction of illegal and wrongful parking due to flood of new inhabitants and new private vehicles.
On behalf of the three big cities of Ukraine - Lviv/Lemberg, Czernowitz and Iwano-Frankiwsk - NGO Vision Zero addressed an open letter in the German language to municipalities and companies in Germany, Switzerland and Austria and asked for possibilities to donate some of the needed equipment, used or new, as humanitarian aid to the cities of Ukraine. A list of the most needed equipment was enclosed to this letter. For organizations and entities interested to respond to this request we invite to contact directly the founder and chairman of our organization, Viktor Zagreba, via the email viktor@zagreba.com or on social media (Facebook, Linkedin). With kind regards, Viktor Zagreba, Chairperson of NGO Vision Zero: viktor@zagreba.com
Photo from a conference on Sustainable Mobility and Road Safety that was held in Ivano-Frankivsk City Hall in October 2021