The database of electric public transport of Ukraine has been published

The database of electric public transport of Ukraine has been published

Complete and up-to-date data on public transport in Ukraine and other European countries is important for those who are interested in this topic, analyze it, research or write about it. Therefore, for itself and for other interested parties, NGO "Vision Zero" has prepared and publishes a consolidated database. As complete and authentic as we managed.

Database .XLSX for download: in Ukrainian and English

The sources of information for this database were the statistical reports of the corporation "Ukrlektrotrans" (thank you for this), as well as data received directly from the cities of Ukraine, and data from international available sources. We invite you to be among the first users and "testers" of this database. Please send comments and suggestions to the organization's e-mail with the subject "HT Database", and we will definitely take them into account in the next editions. We plan to update and publish this database on an annual basis until one of the Ukrainian state authorities starts maintaining a similar database.

Vinnytsia (22)

For reference: the database in the format of electronic tables contains 15 tabs, including information on: 1. Number of cities with tram systems in European countries: 226 systems in 30 countries; 2. Characteristics of tram systems in European countries: 11,925 kilometers of tram tracks; 3. Number of cities with trolleybus systems in European countries: 25 countries and 146 systems; 4. Characteristics of trolleybus systems in European countries: 10,776 trolleybuses; 5. List of Ukrainian cities with current systems of electric and other public transport: 47 cities; 6. Contact data of transport utilities of electric transport: 33 cities; 7. List and characteristics of tram systems of Ukraine by city: 1734 km and 2249 cars; 8. List and characteristics of trolleybus systems of Ukraine by city: 41 cities and 4397 km of contact networks; 9. Infrastructure of electric transport utility companies: 687 traction substations; 10. Inventory fleet of tram cars in Ukrainian cities as of January 1, 2022 with an analysis of its changes in 2021; 11. Inventory fleet of trolleybuses in the cities of Ukraine as of January 1, 2022 with an analysis of its changes in 2021; 12. Age of tram cars in Ukrainian cities as of 01.01.2021; 13. Age of trolleybuses in Ukrainian cities as of January 1, 2021; 14. Rating indicators of the financial and operational efficiency of the city electric transport company of Ukraine in 2019; 15. Manufacturers of rolling stock of public transport: 50 machine-building enterprises of Europe.

Database .XLSX for download: in Ukrainian and in English