Only one in four drivers in large cities wears seat belts. These are the data from the annual study “ Level of seat belt use among drivers in Ukrainian cities in 2020 ”, conducted by the NGO “Vision Zero” together with the Center for Democracy and Rule of Law as part of the “For Safe Roads” Campaign . Participants of the “For Safe Roads” Campaign conducted a study in October 2020 in 24 cities of Ukraine. The study has been conducted annually since 2017 to determine what percentage of drivers in Ukraine actually wear seat belts and whether it has changed over the previous year. For this purpose, the observation method was used, the sample was 33,701 drivers . The study found that in all 24 cities, more than half of drivers (from 52% to 85%) do not fasten their seat belts while traveling. Most often, this figure is 70-80% , 12 of the cities studied have such indicators.
Observations show that the results are somewhat better in Kyiv , where 48.2% of drivers use seat belts. The top 5 leaders in terms of seat belt use also include Lviv (40.2%), Cherkasy (34.5%), Dnipro (33.2%) and Vinnytsia (33.1%). The anti-leaders of the rating were Chernivtsi , Severodonetsk and Kropyvnytskyi , where less than 18% of drivers wear seat belts. This behavior of Ukrainian drivers threatens their lives and health , because without a seat belt, the risks of serious consequences in an accident increase. According to the World Health Organization , a fastened seat belt could save 50% of victims of fatal accidents. WHO calls ignoring seat belts one of the key risk factors affecting road safety, along with speeding, drunk driving, and being distracted by a phone while driving . “Today, unfortunately, it is a typical habit not to fasten your seat belt both in the front seat and in the back, ” emphasized Olesya Kholopyk , director of the Center for Democracy and the Rule of Law. – There are two reasons that explain why. First, it is a meager fine of 51 hryvnia, and secondly, a huge number of myths and prejudices among drivers and passengers. We at the Campaign have long been saying that this 51 hryvnia creates in people the feeling that the rule about using seat belts is unimportant, that it can be violated. Although the price of such a violation can be life .
The director of CEDEM recalled that since 2016, the organization, together with partners, has been proposing and advocating for changes in this area. One of the first draft laws developed in 2018 provided for an increase in the fine for ignoring seat belts to 850 hryvnias. After its adoption in the first reading, the seat belt rate increased from 15% to 23% . After all, the document launched an information wave that encouraged people to fasten their seat belts. However, over the next two years (2019-2020), the situation with the use of seat belts did not improve as much as in 2018. Thus, in 2019, the seat belt rate was 24.36%. According to the authors of the study, the difference of 2-3% can be explained by statistical error. In several cities, in particular, Chernivtsi, Chernihiv, and Cherkasy, even fewer drivers are now wearing seat belts than last year. However, there are also positive examples: in Vinnytsia, the level of fastening has increased by half since 2019, and in Mariupol - three times.
We would like to add that today the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has already passed two bills in the first reading that increase the fine for using seat belts: No. 2695 and No. 2696. “For our Campaign, fines are not a means of replenishing the budget. It is a matter of motivation, of forming the habit of wearing seat belts. After all, such a simple habit saves lives,” Olesya Kholopik emphasized.
According to Viktor Zagreba , head of the NGO “Vision Zero”, strict liability will not work by itself, education is also needed. “People need to be explained that wearing seat belts is in their best interests. Only those who cannot be reached by rational arguments should be punished. Therefore, the largest possible campaigns should be conducted explaining why seat belts are important, influencing people’s attitudes. And when this happens, people’s behavior will also change: they will fasten themselves, their passengers, and convince friends, acquaintances, and strangers that it is important. This is how a social norm should be formed .”
At the same time, experts also noted positive changes that occurred this year. Thus, on November 11, the Cabinet of Ministers approved amendments to the Traffic Rules, canceling exceptions that allowed taxi drivers and passengers and driving school instructors not to wear seat belts - namely, their examples could further encourage Ukrainians not to wear seat belts. In the future, the Campaign “For Safe Roads” plans to conduct advocacy to increase responsibility for ignoring seat belts and educational campaigns. Watch the video presentation of the study “Level of seat belt use among drivers in Ukrainian cities in 2020” at the link . See the full text of the study at the link . We express our sincere gratitude to the public activists who became local observers in their cities and joined the national study “Level of seat belt use in Ukraine”. Reference materials related to the use of seat belts:
The “For Safe Roads” campaign is an advocacy campaign aimed at reducing deaths and injuries on the roads of Ukraine. Initiated by the Center for Democracy and Rule of Law in partnership with the NGO “Vision Zero”, U-Cycle and brings together international, Ukrainian experts, representatives of the legislative and executive branches. Text: CEDEM .