The chairman of the board of the NGO "Vision Zero" Viktor Zagreba took part as a speaker in the conference "Safe road infrastructure: challenges and prospects"

The chairman of the board of the NGO "Vision Zero" Viktor Zagreba took part as a speaker in the conference "Safe road infrastructure: challenges and prospects"

It was organized by the National Institute of Infrastructure Development as part of the Road Safety Week . More than 150 participants representing state bodies and institutions, local self-government bodies, as well as public and engineering organizations took part in the online event.

Viktor made a presentation on the topic "Roads with three lanes of traffic as part of the Vision Zero approach. Theory and practice of application" , based on the experience and standards of Sweden and examples of sections of roads in Ukraine that can be "turned into Sweden" with fairly small efforts and financial costs, and achieve zero mortality on them.

"The peculiarity of roads with a 2+1 scheme is that they allow you to radically increase traffic safety and at the same time increase the average speed of traffic. It is also a surprisingly balanced solution that not only takes away something, but also gives: it physically makes overtaking and left turns in prohibited places, and at the same time provides many opportunities for safe overtaking and protected left turns," Viktor Zagreba noted. In his opinion, all sections of category II roads in Ukraine can and should be converted to the "Scandinavian manner", to the traffic scheme (2+1), because the width of the pavement is just enough for this.



Viktor noted that Ukraine has an effective DSTU from 2015 on three-lane roads, and such sections are implemented in practice in many regions, especially on uphills. However, this embodiment has significant problems and shortcomings, and often these places are "black spot" places. The main drawback of such areas in Ukraine is the lack of fencing between the directions of traffic, which leads to catastrophic road accidents with fatalities. Other shortcomings relate to the method of completion of the additional lane, the length of the transition zone and the distance of installation of warning road signs before the end of the lane.

Safe road infrastructure is one of the demands of the "Manifesto for Safe Roads" , developed as part of the "For Safe Roads" Campaign, which was signed by 40 public organizations. The NGO "Vision Zero" is also a co-developer and signatory of the manifesto.