Category: News

8 Ukrainian cities purchase electric transport, totaling more than UAH 4.5 billion — monitoring

8 Ukrainian cities purchase electric transport, totaling more than UAH 4.5 billion — monitoring
During May-August 2023, the cities of Ukraine announced purchases of more than 160 units of rolling stock of electric transport. NGO Vision Zero monitored the open information of tender sites regarding the procurement of electric transport rolling stock for May-August 2023. DSC_2755 Photo: Oleksandr Shutyuk A total of 10 announced purchases for 166 units of rolling stock and a total amount of about UAH 4.6 billion have been recorded, the Association "Energy-Efficient Cities of Ukraine" informs . Four procurements have already been completed, one has not taken place, and five are still ongoing. Out of 10 tenders, 6 take place within the framework of credit projects with international financial organizations EIB and EBRD. Purchases were announced by 8 cities: Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi, Ternopil, Zaporizhzhia, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Kharkiv and Vinnytsia. Most cities buy new trolleybuses. Several purchases concern used rolling stock of trolleybuses, as well as new trams and battery buses. The largest purchase is the announcement of the city of Chernivtsi for the purchase of 50 trolleybuses with credit funds from the European Investment Bank. "The active activity of cities to renew rolling stock is a positive phenomenon, even in wartime conditions. First, most of these are external financial resources that come to Ukraine. In a large part of the tenders, Ukrainian manufacturers win, this allows us to support the economy, maintain the efficiency of machine-building enterprises, save personnel, and pay taxes and fees. Secondly, the rolling stock in many cities is really in a deplorable state, and does not meet the requirements of accessibility - it does not have a low floor, which is extremely important. Thirdly, the modern rolling stock has higher energy efficiency indicators than the outdated and emergency trams and trolleybuses that it will replace. This will mean savings for local budgets and a reduction in energy consumption from the single energy grid, and of course, a positive impact on air quality and public health - especially when new transport replaces old diesel buses. All these issues have become even more important in the conditions of war," comments Victor Zagreba, chairman of the board of the non-governmental organization "Vision Zero", on the results of the monitoring. According to the NGO "Vision Zero", Ukraine already belongs to the European countries with the largest number of electric public transport systems. As of 2021, 41 trolleybus and 18 tram systems were operating in the cities of Ukraine. You can read more about the list of purchases of electric public transport by cities of Ukraine below . Please note that this list may not be exhaustive and some purchases were not included in our monitoring. Tenders of Ukrainian cities for the purchase of electric public transport in May-August 2023 : tender cities electric transport

NGO "Vision Zero" started cooperation with the Association "Energy-efficient cities of Ukraine"

The NGO "Vision Zero" and the Association "Energy-Efficient Cities of Ukraine" are starting cooperation within the framework of a new one-year project, the main goal of which is to promote the modernization and development of electric public transport in the cities of Ukraine by including it in state policy documents, in particular, in modernization and restoration plans.

AEMU The expert team of the NGO "Vision Zero" will provide support to the Association in the development of projects and components on the topic of sustainable urban mobility, collection and dissemination of relevant information on information resources, preparation and holding of educational webinars, round tables and other events. Electric public transport — primarily trams, trolleybuses and battery trolleybuses — is one of the most sustainable means of urban mobility with the lowest emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases. State and international support for the modernization and development of this type of transport is critically important for the achievement of Ukraine's climate goals and the fulfillment of other international obligations on the way to European integration. According to the NGO "Vision Zero", Ukraine already belongs to the European countries with the largest number of electric public transport systems: 41 trolleybus systems and 18 tram systems. In total, Ukraine had 1,734 kilometers of tram tracks and 2,314 cars, as well as 4,397 kilometers of trolleybus lines and 3,889 trolleybuses before the start of the full-scale invasion. The cooperation project between the NGO "Vision Zero" and AEMU is supported by the European Climate Foundation and will last from August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024.

Start of activity of the "Accessible Frankivsk" initiative

According to the State Statistics Service and the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, as of the beginning of 2023, 2.7 million civilians and almost 500,000 combatants have disabilities in Ukraine.  

In 2022, a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine began. The exact number of wounded, especially the types of injuries, is currently unknown. However, it is already obvious that from the total number of servicemen of the Defense Forces (about 1 million people) and wounded civilians: this number has increased by several hundred thousand. And this figure, unfortunately, will grow. We are talking about damage or loss of limbs, damage to organs of vision, hearing and other types of injuries.  

All the above-mentioned disabled persons join the total number of low-mobility population groups. Currently, the infrastructure of the city is mostly not adapted for their comfortable movement. Therefore, it limits their free access to various institutions and public spaces. 20230617_191249 20230617_190644 Some pedestrian crossings in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, which have non-standard lowering of the curb stone, (Franka Street, Ivano-Frankivsk) Therefore, within the framework of the NGO "Vision Zero", its members created their own public initiative "Accessible Frankivsk" . DF-1 Cover of the official Facebook group and initiative page. The goal of the initiative is to draw the attention of local self-government bodies to the problem of inclusivity, to influence the fact that new sidewalk repairs meet the current norms and standards in terms of accessibility, and older facilities begin to comply with these requirements. Equality. Accessibility. Inclusivity. Barrier-freeness — according to the initiative, this is what every head of a specialized department, manager of a utility company, and even the mayor should think about and take care of in the first place, when it comes to the repair or new construction of public spaces. The city must be friendly to all groups with reduced mobility, without exception. Every person has limited mobility for some period of time in his life. It is not only people with disabilities, it is people with musculoskeletal disorders, vision and hearing impairments, parents with baby carriages, elderly people, people with luggage. Those who have permanent or temporary mobility difficulties. Now, a full-scale invasion has made adjustments to these statistics. Therefore, our task is to promote and create conditions for a fulfilling life. Despite the fact that the regulatory framework of Ukraine since 2006 provides for the presence of lowering curbs, in many cities this is neglected. According to representatives of the public initiative, this is unacceptable. "If the city is already spending money on repairing streets and sidewalks, why not do everything right at once, in compliance with norms and standards? In addition to new construction, our focus is also on older facilities, where in recent years it would be possible to lower curbs and make transitions accessible. The representatives of our public initiative have already submitted a number of official appeals to local self-government bodies. There, the problems with accessibility on some streets are professionally described. Their content and individual answers will be published soon." initiatives, Kateryna Lozovenko Join our Facebook group and page. There we report in more detail about current activities and other things related to inclusion.

Nadvirna: a small town with a desire to improve urban mobility

Nadvirna: a small town with a desire to improve urban mobility

On June 22, experts from the NGO "Vision Zero" came to the city of Nadvirna, Ivano-Frankivsk region. The purpose of this familiarization visit was to gather up-to-date information on the operation of public transport and the nuances of its operation.

IMG_20230622_123900 In the premises of the city council, we talked with local representatives of local self-government bodies. Among others, with Ihor Pysklynets, the deputy mayor for financial, economic and social development, Iryna Babii, the leading specialist of the department of trade, transport and agricultural industry, and Taras Novoselskyi, the head of the economy department.

Iryna Babii said that there are 6 city bus routes in Nadvirnaya. All of them are served by private carriers with small-class buses. Complaints about their work from passengers are rare. Mostly this is in the case of a fare increase and some kind of rudeness on the part of the driver. The fare on city "routes" is UAH 10, and for students it is UAH 8. Travel is free for privileged categories (and schoolchildren), but carriers do not receive compensation from the city budget. Therefore, there is an "unspoken" rule of two preferential seats in one bus.

photo_2023-06-23_11-00-32 (2) The city leaders have a desire to create a municipal carrier for their own control and organization of transportation. However, since the beginning of a full-scale war, the city budget cannot allow this. They say that this will be possible only thanks to grant support from international donors.

As for suburban and district transportation between villages of the Nadvirnya Territorial Community, the situation is much worse . In fact, each route has its own carrier with one or two buses. The tariff varies depending on the mileage. Travel allowances do not apply there.

The main problem of these transports is the condition of the road surface both in the villages and between them. There are several villages where the leaders of the territorial community are asking the existing carrier to make at least a small number of flights.


Also, in Nadvirnaya there is a problem with the organization of the parking system in the city. As of now, it is very chaotic , said Taras Novoselskyi. Cashless payment for parking is not possible because there was no parking operator who would install an expensive parking meter. And the drivers of "routes" in the middle of the city have set up a permanent "bus station" that interferes with the movement of other vehicles. The city administration cannot finally overcome this. There are several problematic intersections in the city that need professional research and solutions.


Specialists of the NGO "Vision Zero" managed to investigate them in person, as well as some other parts of the streets, where the latest infrastructure solutions can be implemented.

In conclusion, Ihor Pysklynets said that the city leaders want to implement the transformation of one of the streets in the central part of the city into a pedestrian one. However, there are obstacles with the approval of such a decision in the police and discussion among residents.

NGO "Vision Zero" continues to fill the Ukrainian "Wikipedia" with relevant articles

As we reported earlier , one of the decisions of the NGO "Vision Zero" was to start the process of de-Russification of the Ukrainian "Wikipedia" and its addition to the topic of public transport, its infrastructure and urban mobility in general. 

Geneva (10) photo: Oleksandr Shutyuk

We were motivated to do this by the small number of articles on this topic, as well as the fact that the existing thematic articles were often based on Russian sources, inaccurate or even outdated. As of June 23, 2023, specialists of the NGO "Vision Zero" have already created 19 new thematic articles, and 8 articles have been updated. You can get acquainted with all of them at this link.

It works, but there are nuances: how does the system of passenger transport in the cities of Ukraine function?

It works, but there are nuances: how does the system of passenger transport in the cities of Ukraine function?

During 2023-2024, the public organization "Vision Zero" actualized the attention of all relevant parties to the field of electric public transport as one of the main means of sustainable urban mobility.

Every year, the issue of simply maintaining its work even at the current level becomes more and more urgent. However, in order to improve the quality of life, in particular during the period of post-war reconstruction of cities and the economy of the state, it is necessary to comprehensively improve the work of public transport, and the foundations for this should be laid now.

From our experience, it is important to combine analytical work with studying the situation on the ground. Therefore, among their other activities, the members of the public organization made familiarization visits to four cities - Lutsk, Khmelnytskyi, Kyiv and Rivne.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the electric public transport industry has faced unprecedented challenges. Remotely studying the problems and needs of utility carriers, of course, we can draw some general conclusions about the acute shortage of drivers and service personnel, as well as outdated infrastructure. However, the current situation of each city is unique, as are the approaches to work, despite the current problems and ways to solve them.

Everywhere, except Kyiv, we also managed to communicate with the representatives of the customer of transportation in cities — the local transport departments or the transport department in the Department of Public Utilities. Everyone has similar challenges and achievements.

For example, in Lutsk, the head of the local transport department Viktor Glavichka told about a typical situation in his city, which is characteristic of most cities: suburban buses, which should go only to the main bus stations, drive along the main highways of the city and into its central part, making boarding / disembarking passengers wherever you want. This leads to an outflow of trolleybus passengers and a greater load on the street-road network and the formation of traffic delays - traffic jams.

Photo: Meeting of the NGO "Vision Zero" with the head of Lutsk transport department Viktor Hlavichka


Photo: Meeting of the NGO "Vision Zero" with representatives of the KP “Lutsk Electric Transport Company”

In Khmelnytskyi, the situation with non-urban transportation is similar, but the specifics are somewhat different. Bus stations are located in the central part of the city, not on the outskirts. According to the head of the Khmelnytsky City Transport Department Kostyantyn Kostyk, the city really needs them to be located outside the central part of the city: "International and intercity buses overload the existing transport network (as in Lutsk — ed.). These bus stations are privately owned. The city authorities tried to come to an agreement with the leaders, but there was little progress."

Photo: Meeting of the NGO "Vision Zero" with representatives of the Khmelnytskyi City Transport Department and KP “Electrotrans”

As a result of hostilities, some cities lost their communal buses. This happened for reasons such as city defense (Chernihiv and Kyiv), or when they were transferred to the needs of the Armed Forces (all cities). Therefore, during the years 2022–2024, a number of European cities began to transfer hundreds of their used buses of a large class to Ukrainian cities to support urban passenger transportation. The cities of Lutsk, Khmelnytskyi, Kyiv and Rivne are no exception. However, the legislation of Ukraine was not ready for their operation: currently, it is still prohibited to use such buses for the purpose of making a profit, that is, with a set fare, because they were handed over without a specified purpose. According to Article 201-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, "illegal use for profit of humanitarian aid, charitable donations or free aid is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to seven years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years and with confiscation of property".

That is why, among the cities we visited, Rivne and Khmelnytskyi use such buses to provide only social transportation. All utility companies of Ukraine and in some places even mayors have appealed to the Ministry of Infrastructure and other government officials with a request to implement a number of changes in the relevant legislation as soon as possible, but there is still no positive result.

Despite the hardships that cities face during a full-scale war, we saw during our visits that they are trying to support the electric public transport industry and urban mobility in general. The Acting Mayor of Rivne, Viktor Shakirzyan, stated at the meeting that "the comfort and safety of the residents of the community is above all. That's why we focus on modern transport that has an autonomous drive and a low floor." Also, the city is currently at the stage of developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, where urban public transport, in particular electric, is an important aspect.

Photo: Low-floor trolleybus "Dnipro T-203" in the city of Rivne

In addition to communicating with representatives of relevant local self-government bodies, during our visits to Ukrainian cities, we visited trolleybus depots and tested the payment system directly in transport. For example, in the city of Lutsk, an electronic ticket (full-value non-cash fare payment) is fully implemented by means of transport, bank cards and the scanning of a QR code generated in one of the banks. The project was implemented with the help of the private operator "CITY CARD SYSTEM" LLC. By the way, the same operator was also involved in Khmelnytskyi. There, the electronic ticket began to operate in trolleybuses from February 1, 2024 (in a test mode), and from May 15, 2024 - in a test mode in communal buses, and from July 15, 2024 - in electric transport using only electronic methods of fare payment (cashless ). In a few months, the system will be scaled to public transport of all types and forms of ownership.

Both cities did not spend money on the implementation of this project. Simply, the operator/investor takes a commission of 10% from each trip. Now the equipment that ensures the operation of the electronic ticket has been transferred for free use. After the conclusion of the contractual terms, it will become the property of the transport customers.

In Kyiv, funds were raised from the city budget for the introduction of an electronic ticket, the system is valid in all types of public transport.

Photo: Contactless fare payment on a trolleybus in the city of Lutsk

But during the visit to Rivne, we learned that currently payment is made there only in cash and through the QR code of one of the banks. However, the city intends to introduce full-fledged cashless payment, currently studying and discussing ways to do this.

Photo: Ticket after paying the fare to the conductor on the trolleybus in the city of Rivne.

During the visits, we saw how acute the staffing crisis is for utility transport companies. Thus, Serhiy Lytvynov, director of transport at KP "Kyivpastrans", said that the company lacks drivers the most. "We now have about 1,550 of them for the production of 760 units of all types of transport. But we lack 300 drivers to fully support this issue."

According to Anatoly Lopaty, head of the Energy Supply and Communication Service of KP "Kyivpastrans", drivers are not the only problem. For example, according to the staff list, there should be 610 employees in his service, but in fact - 406.

All enterprises also have in common that there is a shortage of bus drivers, since women are more willing to work on trams and trolleybuses. And for buses, even large-class ones, no.

While we were preparing this material, some changes began. For example, on June 24, 2024, the Ministry of Infrastructure officially announced that together with the UN Women's Office in Ukraine, it was agreed to implement a project to train female drivers in the field of bus passenger transportation. The project will start soon in cooperation with several cities. This was discussed in the publication " Ukraine is launching a project to train women for the profession of city bus drivers".

However, the situation is not much better at other enterprises, only the number of workers who are missing is different. But the percentage ratio is about the same. At the KP "Lutsk Electric Transport Enterprise" we were informed that they lack 30 trolleybus drivers, and at the KP "Electrotrans" in Khmelnytskyi, 30 workers were mobilized for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Photo: Meeting of NGO "Vision Zero" with representatives of KP “Lutsk Electric Transport Company”

According to the legislation, 50% of the employees of public transport companies are subject to reservation from mobilization for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In practice, this percentage does not always reach such a figure, since the process is too bureaucratic, registration and final approval take a long time, despite the fact that utility companies perform their part of the work promptly. And while all this is happening, workers are being mobilized. But even if 50% of the reservation was made, it is still not enough to maintain the normal operation of such a critical industry for the country as public transport.

During the round table " Save public transport: 10 steps were named in Lviv, how the state can improve its functioning ", which was organized by the NGO "Vision Zero", experts developed a list of measures that are urgent to implement in order to solve this problem:

  • training and work of trolleybus and bus drivers from the age of 18;
  • making changes to the regulatory framework for a simplified procedure for involving trolleybus drivers in driving buses and vice versa;
  • extension of working hours of drivers until the end of martial law;
  • provision of a mechanism for booking drivers from mobilization within an acceptable time frame and as a percentage of the number of employees.

After all the visits, we were once again convinced that many problems in the field of urban transport are common to cities. Somewhere one prevails, somewhere another. But in the end, all of them significantly affect the quality of service provision to residents. The most urgent thing for companies is the need to change the reservation procedure from mobilizing employees of utility companies-carriers and to give them the opportunity to switch to the payment model for the performance of transport work by buses in cities as soon as possible.

A number of processes at the state level are currently ongoing, and changes are being prepared. However, our task is to unite. The result can be achieved only through the joint efforts of specialized departments and offices, carriers and the public sector.

We sincerely believe in this.

Another familiarization visit of the NGO "Vision Zero": this time to Vinnytsia

Another familiarization visit of the NGO "Vision Zero": this time to Vinnytsia

On May 16, 2023, members of the NGO "Vision Zero" together with the correspondent of the Center for Transport Strategies (TCS) made an introductory visit to the city of Vinnytsia. The goal is the same: obtaining up-to-date information about implemented projects in the field of public transport and urban mobility.

1 During the visit, meetings were held with relevant heads of local self-government bodies and communal enterprises, in particular: with the director of the KP "Vinnytsiakartservice" Kateryna Babina, the director of the Department of Transport and Urban Mobility Andriy Sorokin, the head of the KP "Agency of Spatial Development" Maksym Kravchuk and acting Volodymyr Dudko, head of the technical department of KP "Vinnytsia Transport Company".

2 Based on the results of these meetings, they learned about the stages of the implementation of the "electronic ticket" project (that is, the introduction of an automated system of payment and passenger registration) in all public transport in Vinnytsia. At the announced tender, the Czech company "Mikroelektronika" won at one time with an offer of 5 million euros. As of now, about 500 vehicles are equipped with validators and POS terminals. Payment can be made by transport and bank cards, as well as cash + transfer available 30 minutes. in case of payment by transport card.

1684307539587 In addition to everything else, Vinnytsia is known for its Swiss "Mirage" trams, which the city received free of charge from the city of Zurich. They are used, but in good enough condition for transportation. They are the basis of the rolling stock of trams in Vinnytsia. It also became known that the city of Zurich will provide Vinnytsia with 16 Tram2000 model cars in 2023 as part of agreements to improve transport services during a full-scale war. In addition, KP "VTK" continues to improve its own "VinWay" trams, which have already proven themselves well.

During the meeting at the KP "Agency of Spatial Development", its head Maksym Kravchuk talked about the implemented projects related to urban mobility and those that are in the plans. In particular, this is the project of reconstruction of the Railway Station Square , which involves 4 stages of implementation and is related to the "Vinnytsia mile" project.

They also discussed Vinnytsia's experience of arranging "Viennese" stops, the problems of their use in conditions of diverse rolling stock.


We learned from the representative of the KP "Vinnytsia Tram-Trolleybus Administration" that Vinnytsia is one of the few cities in Ukraine that operates an electric bus. This is the Chinese "Skywell". However, the expediency of his work is debatable. It is charged in the depot for 5-6 hours (that is, at night), consumes 1 kW/km, in winter it can be 1.3 kW/km. Not the only significant advantage of this electric bus is that it rarely breaks down, since it has been in operation since 2019. Against the background of the fact that the company still has 30-40-year-old "ZiU" trolleybuses among all others, this is a really good indicator. 5

Finally, it should be noted that until recently, KP "VTK" was actively updating the infrastructure for the high-quality operation of electric public transport. This process slowed down somewhat due to the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine. However, the plans include further modernization of substations, feeder lines and repair of tram tracks.

NGO "Vision Zero" became a member of the RISE coalition!

6455546de7a50364799903d3_SERG0628-p-1600 Photo: RISE UA is a coalition of Ukrainian and international public organizations, initiatives, state institutions and activists who support the Principles of Reconstruction and Modernization of Ukraine through constructive dialogue with the authorities and international partners. Currently, the coalition includes more than 35 public organizations. The purpose of such an association is to support the reconstruction and modernization of Ukraine after the full-scale military invasion of Russia. "We want to help the country build better by making reconstruction a model of transparency, accountability, integrity and efficiency. We will do this through inclusive dialogue, open data and the latest digital technologies to provide information on the status of the project and the use of funds to anyone, anywhere ." - this is the vision of the future for our country held by the founders of the coalition. Screenshot 2023-05-16 104804 The main goal of the coalition is to support the reconstruction and modernization of Ukraine after the war and to increase the amount of funds allocated for the reconstruction of Ukraine, to ensure their transparent and effective use. You can familiarize yourself with the principles and vision of RISE on their website. Any organization that supports the principles of the coalition can join RISE. To do this, you need to contact the founders by e-mail L2Gr_RcP_400x400

The round table in Lviv on electric transport brought together 46 participants from 12 cities

The round table in Lviv on electric transport brought together 46 participants from 12 cities

As part of the "All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum" on 04/27/2023, the NGO "Vision Zero" held a round table on the topic "Development of electric public transport and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine".


The purpose of the round table was the exchange of opinions and assessments regarding the development of the electric public transport sector in Ukraine and the formation of joint proposals, which were later included in the Forum Resolution and covered in the mass media. The moderator of the round table was Viktor Zagreba, the chairman of the board of the NGO "Vision Zero" , and informational support was provided by the "Center of Transport Strategies" portal.

The participants of the round table together identified the main strategic obstacles and the vision for the development of electric public transport in the cities of Ukraine.

46 participants from 12 cities took part in the round table, including 16 officials of executive bodies and city councils and five representatives of transport utility companies. The most active participants: Vitaly Golutyak (Director of KP "Electroavtotrans"), Anton Hagen (World Bank), Kateryna Lozovenko (Director of LLC "Oresund"), Oleksandr Grechko (public initiative "Passengers of Kyiv"), Volodymyr Buzan (LLC "Zavod Electronmash" ), Vasyl Klat (Department of Transport, Mariupol), Ihor Makovtsev (Dnipro City Council), Dmytro Bespalov (ToV "Pro mobilitnost"), Orest Oleskiv (Head of the Department of Transport, Lviv), Marina Virkun (Department of Transport and Communications Kherson), Andriy Sorokin (Vinnytsia City Council) and from the hall Anton Brynykh (CP "Rivneelectrotrans").

The key points of the speeches are highlighted in the publication of the "Center for Transport Strategies" entitled "Legislative changes, shortage of personnel and electric buses: how cities see the post-war recovery of public transport."


"All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum" was organized by the Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure of the Lviv City Council, with the support of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) as part of the "TUMIVolt - Urban Mobility from Renewable Energy Sources" project. The co-organizer of the event is the NGO "Vision Zero".

NGO "Vision Zero" became a co-organizer of the Urban Mobility Forum

On April 26, 2023, the All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum began in Lviv. About 100 participants from different regions of Ukraine took part in the event. The forum is held by the Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure of the Lviv City Council within the framework of the project "TUMIVolt - urban mobility from renewable energy sources" of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), financed by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. The NGO Vision Zero is also a co-organizer of the event. The purpose of the event is the exchange of knowledge, experience and the formation of further coordinated plans for the development of urban mobility. According to the results of the event, the appropriate resolution of the participants will be formed. Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi spoke at the opening. He emphasized that Lviv has taken a new approach to the restoration of street infrastructure: not to repair the road, but to restore spaces. And the projects will be chosen exclusively based on the results of architectural competitions. According to this principle, the city will arrange the space on the street. Mykolaychuk near the rehabilitation center NEZLAMNI/ UNBROKEN. He also talked about the NEZLAMNA ecosystem of humanity, which is being built in Lviv today. And this system actually provides for the reconstruction of city locations from the point of view of accessibility and friendliness. 183A2455 Source: Lviv City Council: Photo: Roman Baluk